What is mobile technology?

 Mobile technology is technology that goes where the user goes. It consists of portable two-way communications devices, computing devices and the networking technology that connects them.


Currently, mobile technology is typified by internet-enabled devices like smartphones, tablets and watches. These are the latest in a progression that includes two-way pagers, notebook computers, mobile telephones (flip phones), GPS-navigation devices and more.

The communications networks that connect these devices are loosely termed wireless technologies. They enable mobile devices to share voice, data and applications (mobile apps).

Mobile technology is pervasive and growing. The number of smartphone users has climbed beyond 3 billion and the global mobile workforce is expected to reach 1.87 billion by 2022.

Types of mobile networks

Cellular networks

Radio networks using distributed cell towers that enable mobile devices (cell phones) to switch frequencies automatically and communicate without interruption across large geographic areas. The same basic switching capability enables cellular networks to accommodate many users across a limited number of radio frequencies.

4G networking

The current cellular service standard for most wireless communication. It uses packet switching technology, which organizes data into parts or packets for transmission and reassembles the information at the destination. 4G – “G” for generation —  is reported to be 10x faster than 3G — and 5G, faster still, is coming. 5G uses a set of aggregated frequency bands to unlock bandwidth and is approximately 20x faster than 4G.


Radio waves that connect devices to the internet through localized routers called hotspots. Short for wireless fidelity, WiFi networks are like cell towers for internet access, but they don’t automatically pass service without establishing a WiFi connection. Most mobile devices allow for automatic switching between Wi-Fi and cellular networks depending upon availability and user preference.


A telecommunications industry specification for connecting devices over short distances using short-wavelength radio waves. Bluetooth enables users to quickly connect or pair devices such as headsets, speakers, phones and other devices.

What is 5G?

5G is the fifth generation of cellular wireless technology. Like 4G, it uses frequencies that are part of the radio spectrum, but 5G uses very high frequencies that offer more bandwidth. This means more data delivered at higher speeds to more devices. Imagine video streaming to a smartphone. , 5G will “improve that experience by making it 10x better not just for one individual, but for anyone streaming a video at the same time.”

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